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Support Ukraine
News 16.03.2022

Donation to humanitarian aid in Ukraine

Kolmeks Group has donated to humanitarian aid in Ukraine through the Finnish Red Cross and Save the Children. With these donations, we want to participate in helping the Ukrainians during the war.

The Finnish Red Cross uses its international network to supply Ukraine with medical materials, food, water and hygiene supplies. People are also given, for example, psychosocial support and first aid training.  Read more about the work of the Finnish Red Cross:

Save the Children’s Association has been operating in Ukraine since 2014 and continues to provide emergency aid to children and their families. The organization is also on the ground in neighbouring countries to help children who have fled Ukraine.

With the help of the donations, Save the Children:

  • Delivers emergency aid such as food, water and winter clothing
  • Takes care of children who have been separated from their parents and helps families get back together
  • Provides shelter for children and families fleeing war
  • Organises psychosocial support for children

Read more about the work of Save the Children Finland:

Red Cross volunteers are giving food and water to people arriving from Ukraine at the border crossing point in Petea, Romania. Romania Red Cross.