Whistleblowing reporting channel
To promote an open, transparent, and safe working culture, we have implemented a reporting channel for suspected misconduct.
The implementation of the misconduct reporting channel is based on the Whistleblower Protection Act and the European Union Whistleblower Protection Directive.
The whistleblowing channel offers a confidential way to bring forward suspicions of potential misconduct or violations of operational principles for internal investigation. Reports can be made anonymously.
Ideally, any concerns or suspicions should first be discussed with your immediate supervisor or management. If this does not feel like a suitable option or does not lead to a resolution, you can always use this channel to report the issue. The whistleblowing channel is designed so that the reporter can remain anonymous if desired.
All reports are handled confidentially, with privacy protections for both the reporter and the subject of the report. Personal data is processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act (1050/2018). For more detailed information on how personal data is handled during the investigation of reports, please refer to the privacy statement.
Reports can be made based on suspicion alone, without the need for concrete evidence, as long as they are made honestly and in good faith. The reports submitted to the whistleblowing channel are handled by the CEO and CFO of Kolmeks Group, as well as the HR Manager of Kolmeks Oy, who will initiate the necessary investigations. The process is confidential. Confidentiality is maintained even when the reporter discloses their identity. If the report concerns one of the handlers, they will not participate in the case’s processing or investigation. Upon receipt, we will acknowledge your report within 7 days. If necessary, we will request additional information from you during the investigation. This phase will also take place through the channel, confidentially and anonymously. The outcome of the investigation will be communicated to you through the channel within 3 months of submitting the report. At the end of the reporting process, you will receive a personal code to track the progress of your report. If you lose the case-specific code, we ask that you submit a new report referring to the original submission so that the investigation can continue in cooperation with you.
You can submit a report here:
More information about reporting can be found on our service provider’s website: