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Kaukolämmön siirtotunneli

District heating – Turku Energia

Turku Energia uses Kolmeks pumps in various district heating locations, such as the district heat transfer tunnels and the transfer pumping stations.

Transfer tunnels

In the transfer tunnels of district heating and cooling, Kolmeks pumps are used, for example, as shunt pumps to mix water. Transfer tunnels can be challenging in terms of limited space. Compact pump size is one important factor when selecting the pump. It is also one advantage of a Kolmeks pump. Our pumps also do not require orientation. 

Kolmeks pumps can be used as shunt pumps

Transfer pumping stations

Kolmeks pumps are ideal for use as transfer pumps in district heating and cooling for mixing water. Besides the compact size, another advantage of Kolmeks pumps is silent running noise. Transfer pumping stations can locate near the settlement, so the pump’s low noise level is significant.

Easy maintenance of the pump is also a great advantage of Kolmeks pumps. All our Inline centrifugal pumps are designed to be easily maintained without removing the pump housing. Here is where the refurbished exchange unit is practical. Large pumps are maintained in the Turenki factory, and the Kolmeks maintenance team works in close contact with Turku Energia.

Jussi Suvanto, Development Engineer at Turku Energia, is pleased with the cooperation with Kolmeks. “We have been working with Kolmeks for years. We can rely on their know-how and pump expertise. Any issues are always solved and taken well care of.”

Transfer pumping station of Turku Energia